Become a member
If you want to become a member please contact our Secretary General.
In appropriate time the Board will consider the application for membership and inform you without delay and in written form on the decision accomplished. By issuing this document your membership will become effective.
Membership in iarigai is corporate only and is open to any institute, organization or company, whether academic or commercial, engaged in research for the information, media and graphic arts industries and their suppliers. Members of iarigai are an integral part of a world wide platform for the exchange of knowledge, information, ideas and experience.
Advantages of membership – besides becoming a part of the international research network, your organization will enjoy discounted participation in annual research conferences, receive the Journal of Print and Media Technology research free of charge, as well as annual copies of the book “Advances in Printing and Media Technology” and other publications, have access to specialized exclusive events for members (annual Strategic networking meetings) etc.
Annual membership fee is 850 €
All organizations that will apply for membership by 30 June 2023- after being approved by the Board and covering their annual dues – will be granted free participation for one person at the 48th International Research Conference, Wuppertal, Germany, in September 2023.