The mission of iarigai is to support the following:
Discipline redefinition
The Members of the Association are brought together by a common interest in a specific field of research and technical development. This field is developing and changing and requires a continuous process of redefinition through expansion and exclusion. The Association shall through its activities identify the discipline, both internally and with respect to other fields of interest.
Scientific exchange
The Association shall serve as a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information in the research areas that the Members consider as important. This exchange shall support scientific and industrial progress, specialization, and international cooperation. The Association shall also serve as a forum for discussions on operational issues in research organizations.
Social interaction
One of the most important prerequisites for cooperation and information exchange is personal acquaintance and trust between the involved individuals. The Association shall provide a forum for both formal and informal social interaction. The community of interest defined by the Association needs an influx of new ideas in order to develop. New members are necessary for an association to be viable.
Publishing opportunities
Respecting the need of its Members and the scientific community for publishing the results of their research, the Association shall provide appropriate publishing channels meeting international scientific standards.