September-October 2021
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Gorazd Golob
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Improving 3D printing methods to create versatile sleeves for the printing industry
Xueying Wei, Peter Urban and Sven Ritzmann
University of Wuppertal, School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering, Rainer-Gruenter-Straße 21, D.42119 Wuppertal
In this work we show a method to produce sleeves for the printing industry by utilizing a modified 3D printer. The modification enables the printing process to take place on a rotating cylindrical surface. Due to this modification the corresponding G-code is generated by a MATLAB program. The advantage of this G-code based workflow, as we refer, is the inclusion of the sleeve dimensioning process, and the independence from generalized slicer algorithms providing the freedom to design every layer in respect to mechanical requirements. The motivation behind combining the ability to print on a cylindrical printing surface with the G-code based workflow is to increase the stability of 3D-printed sleeves in relation to their usage in the printing industry. The sleeves themselves consist of required elements, such as top layer and bottom layer, infill layer and air ducts. Our method allows load-appropriate extrusion orientation and therefore gives an additional choice to the common 3D printing workflow adopting Cartesian coordinates.
Keywords: additive manufacturing, G-code based workflow, rotating cylindrical surface, printing industry sleeves, cylindrical coordinate 3D printing
JPMTR-2106 Original scientific paper | 150
DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-2106
UDC 655.1-023.5:681.6|62-11
Received: 2021-05-27
Accepted: 2021-09-10
Exploring social media fatigue among youth in the United Arab Emirates
Marian S. Y. Al-Jallad and Ahmed Farouk Radwan
University of Sharjah, College of Communication, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Social media fatigue (SMF) has emerged as a recent phenomenon by which social media users feel fatigued and exhausted as a result of the great amount of technological and psychosocial pressures they are exposed to online, consequently, affecting their psychological well-being. Therefore, this study explores the antecedents and consequences of SMF among young adults in the United Arab Emirates through a cross-sectional study with 350 users. From the lens of the stressor–strain–outcome framework, cognitive load theory, and selective exposure and selective avoidance theory, our study explores the relationship between the antecedents: three technological factors (information overload, system-feature overload, and privacy concerns), three psychosocial factors (fear of missing out, self-disclosure, and social comparison) and SMF. Additionally, the study explores the behavioral consequences resulting from SMF such as discontinued use, switching intention, and the proper coping mechanisms that social media users utilize when experiencing SMF. The empirical results show that the technological and psychosocial antecedents are significantly positively correlated with SMF. Furthermore, users who experience SMF engage in different usage behaviors including discontinued use, willingness to switch, and utilize coping mechanisms when they are exposed to SMF.
Keywords: information overload, fear of missing out, social comparison, switching intention, coping mechanisms
JPMTR-2112 Research paper | 151
DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-2112
UDC 308:004.738(536.5)-053-56
Received: 2021-09-02
Accepted: 2021-10-26
The implementation of a new pop cosmopolitan concept in the process of mediatization of Japanese mass culture
Bogdan Pashchenko1, Oksana Kyrylova1, Victoriia Pavlenko2 and Neliia Blynova3
1 Department of Mass and International Communication of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Gagarin Av. 72, 49010 Dnipro, Ukraine
2 Alfred Nobel University, Sicheslavska Naberezhna St. 18, Dnipro 49020, Ukraine
3 Department of Foreign Languages of Alfred Nobel University, Sicheslavska Naberezhna St. 18, Dnipro 49020, Ukraine
This academic work deals with a concept of a new pop cosmopolitanism presented by Henry Jenkins and scrutinizes the ways it implements in the process of mediatization of Japanese mass culture. The paper highlights a local and comprehensive pop cosmopolitanism as characteristics of recipients of Japanese mass culture, e.g. anime, manga and games. Mediatization of Japanese mass culture provides a cultural convergence, when people perceive parts of foreign culture as their own, and become the cosmopolites. In addition, other countries start using the elements of Japanese mass culture to fulfill the needs of its own and the Western audiences, for instance Chinese game company develops a game in Japanese anime style to sell it to the West. We analyze the spreading of Japanese mass culture in two directions: channels of spreading and techniques of entering the global level. Our research represents the manifestations of a new pop cosmopolitanism on examples of games, online anime-styled characters, e.g. vocaloids and virtual youtubers, anime and manga franchises and anime streaming services. This piece of work aims to show how mediatization makes Japanese language a brand in terms of cosmopolitanism and cultural exchange. The paper is of current importance due to a broad spread of diverse elements of Japanese mass culture around the world and steady rise of its popularity within people of all nationalities. The results of the research can be useful for further explorations of Japanese and international media discourse.
Keywords: local cosmopolitanism, comprehensive cosmopolitanism, globalization of Japanese pop culture, anime and manga franchises, virtual anime-styled characters
JPMTR-2105 Case study | 152
DOI 10.14622/JPMTR-2105
UDC 316.7|7.011.26(520)
Received: 2021-05-18
Accepted: 2021-09-01